News and other odds and ends

This may be old news for some of you, but I am super excited to announce that I will be back in Calgary this summer! :) :) :)

I am so excited, but also feeling a little bittersweet because Paul won't be coming with me due to how crazy expensive flights to and from Europe get during the summer months. Adding to the fact that we will be apart for two weeks, I will also be gone for his birthday and our anniversary. :( So, needless to say, it will be a tough couple of weeks, especially for him since I know I will be kept busy helping prepare for the wedding, and visiting with family and friends. So, if anyone has some flyer miles or you know, a spare thousand dollars or so hanging around we would gladly take it off your hands. ;)

It still doesn't seem quite real that in just over two months I will be back in my home city after being away for almost exactly a year. I have been thinking about what goodies I can bring with me and wishing I could buy all.the.things. Especially all the yummy baked goods! It's a wonder I have managed to keep any weight off if you could see all the delicious things the bakeries sell every day.

My classes will be done at the end of June, and my exams start the first week of July. I can't believe that I am almost finished my first year of university courses! I really can't wait until I am able to start classes here at the university though. I have sent in my application to the school and am now waiting to hear back about whether it was accepted.

German seems to be finally clicking for me, and it seems that I am able to understand more and more every day. We have a month and a half left in this course, and I am super excited to see where my comprehension will be at the end of it. It is truly amazing what a good teacher can do!

Well, I think that is enough rambling for one post.

Auf Wiedersehen



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